Back to Bolivia!

Dear friends,
Many of you may have already heard that we are going back to Bolivia on 25th September (today!) for about a year. We have been thinking about this for some time. We always thought that we would go back at some point, to help serve and encourage the projects we helped start when we were there in 2007-2009.


As you can imagine we cannot hope to do this work without a lot of support and prayer from all you guys. This time we are going with a Bolivian mission organisation called ‘Serve abroad’. We will be self funding our trip. Any financial donations we receive we will be able to give directly to small projects we visit and work with. If you would like to support the work you can donate via the details below.
After our previous trip we know that the most valuable thing is your continued prayers, your messages and your emails. We plan to keep updating our website with monthly newsletters and blog posts. Please keep in touch and follow our travels. If you’d like to go on our regular email list please let us know.

With love Ruth and Dean

Fundraising account
Mr D Such
Sort code 20 39 07
Account no. 50163678
